New creative workshops for children aged 5 to 10 at the B&E Goulandris Foundation

A new series of educational programmes takes place every weekend

A new series of creative workshops for children aged 5 to 10 is under way at the B&E Goulandris Foundation, featuring many different activities every weekend!

A new series of creative workshops for children aged 5 to 10 is under way at the B&E Goulandris Foundation, featuring many different activities every weekend!
At the workshop “Games in the air!” 5 and 6-year-olds draw their inspiration from Wassily Kandinsky to create their own moving sculpture, while at “A different take on musical instruments!” children aged 5 to 7 learn the upcycling process. “Yves Klein blue in 3D!”, for children aged 6 to 8, is all about 3D depictions, while in “Square motifs!” children aged 8 to 10 discover collagraphy.

All workshops take place in Greek.

Games in the air!

Workshop for children aged 5-6

Every Saturday | 10.30-11.30

The shapes of Wassily Kandinsky’s work “Both Striped” unlock the imagination and speak the so-called “soul language”.

Could they be fish playing in the blue waters of an endless sea or two boats sailing in the ocean, as we gaze over them?

At the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s creative workshop Games in the air!, for children aged 5 and 6, Kandinsky’s shapes and colours come alive in a new dimension, seeking “Balance” just like Jean Helion, and a new dialogue develops in the air. Using a two-dimensional work of art as a starting point, children learn how to create a playful, moving sculpture that interacts with the environment and reveals different dancing moves, depending on the wind.

Games in the air!

Workshop for children aged 5-6

Concept: Ioanna Koutsouki
Implementation: Ioanna Koutsouki, Ioulia Marousi, Maria Mitsouli, Vicky Christaki

Days and times: Every Saturday to March 18 | 10.30-11.30
Venue: Children’s Workshop
Number of participants: 12

Cost of participation: 12€
Cost of participation for Family and Young Members: 9.60€


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A different take on musical instruments!

Workshop for children aged 5-7

Every Sunday | 12.00-13.15

Are we familiar with all musical instruments? Could we use our imagination to create a new musical instrument out of recycled materials?

At the creative workshop A different take on musical instruments!, children aged 5 to 7 draw inspiration from the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s temporary exhibition Nouveau réalisme and look into one of the issues that New Realists highlighted 60 years ago: why burden Earth, when we are surrounded by so many materials that we can reuse?

Using as a starting point the works of Arman that are on display in the exhibition, children create their own upcycled musical instrument as they learn about recycling, waste conversion and environmental protection, all of which were highly important to New Realists.

A different take on musical instruments!

Workshop for children aged 5-7

Concept: Maria Mitsouli
Implementation: Katerina Georgopoulou, Maria Mitsouli

Days and times: Every Sunday to February 19 | 12.00-13.15
Venue: Children’s Workshop
Number of participants: 12

Cost of participation: 12€
Cost of participation for Family and Young Members: 9.60€


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Yves Klein Blue in 3D!

Workshop for children aged 6-8

Every Saturday | 12.00-13.30

As part of its new temporary exhibition Nouveau réalisme, the B&E Goulandris Foundation invites children aged 6 to 8 to a workshop filled with 3D wanderings, together with the striking, blue winged Victory and Yves Klein. At the Yves Klein Blue in 3D! workshop, children learn all about the statue of Victory of Samothrace, the secret formula of Yves Klein’s blue and the way that colour works so as to create a 3D illusion.

Klein used wind, rain, fire and even human bodies in his works, always coming up with resourceful ways to work with blue so as to impress his audience. At the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s workshop, the power and liveliness of Klein’s blue blend with red, encouraging children to create a 3D image of Victory of Samothrace on paper as she lands on the bow of the ship.

* International Klein Blue (IKB) is a deep blue first mixed by French artist Yves Klein.

Yves Klein Blue in 3D!

Workshop for children aged 6-8

Concept: Vicky Christaki
Implementation: Vicky Christaki, Ioanna Koutsouki, Ioulia Marousi, Maria Mitsouli

Days and times: Every Saturday to March 18 | 12.00-13.30
Venue: Children’s Workshop
Number of participants: 12

Cost of participation: 12€
Cost of participation for Family and Young Members: 9.60€


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Square motifs!

Workshop for children aged 8-10

Every Saturday | 16.00-17.30

Inspired by its permanent Collection, the B&E Goulandris Foundation invites children aged 8 to 10 to a journey into the magical world of Nicholas Krushenick. Colourful lines spread out in different directions at the speed of light, creating a sense of movement in a repeated motif.

At the Square motifs! workshop, children discover the 1960s art movements of Pop and Op Art, through the collagraphy technique.

Geometric and abstract prints on colourful surfaces create different spontaneous compositions. Starring a square that each time seals an improvised motif on paper, children work on the final composition of their work: the shapes and lines come alive in different combinations of colours, styles and textures, always with the square motifs as a starting point.

Square Motifs!

Workshop for children aged 8-10

Concept: Ioanna Koutsouki
Implementation: Ioanna Koutsouki, Ioulia Marousi, Maria Mitsouli, Vicky Christaki

Days and times: Every Saturday to March 18 | 16.00-17.30
Venue: Children’s Workshop
Number of participants: 12

Cost of participation: 12€
Cost of participation for Family and Young Members: 9.60€


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