The Art | Artists Diaries | Cem Aggelos Ustuner: “History repeats itself”

Interview with Liana Zoza

Art, as its people unanimously accept, is affected first and recovers last in times of crisis, especially through a great social and economic crisis that is expected, after a global pandemic with an unknown expiration date.

In the section “The Art | Artists Diaries” written and edited by Liana Zoza, will be hosted interviews by Greek and foreign artists (artists, musicians, dancers, actors, etc.), gallery owners, curators and in general from people of the full scope of contemporary art. All the guests will answer the same questions and make their comments in this special case for the art.

-Art is in the middle of a pandemic. In what ways does art get affected by that?

-There is difficulty to organize a new exhibition, but also in being able to visit the galleries if someone wishes. The art market has also been affected as some of the collectors are no longer interested in acquiring artworks, because they may have even lost their job.

-Art | Artists | Art Spaces. What will be the next day?

-I hope that normalcy will return as soon as the outbreak of the pandemic is over.

-Will the art market get affected by that? If so, in what ways?

-I believe that more exhibitions will be organized than before the pandemic.

-Art | Technology. What will be the role of technology regarding the communication and purchase of art?

-Technology helps the need to create online exhibitions while, in parallel, social media promotes the art directly to a larger audience around the world.

-Art | Social Distancing. How is it effective for art to operate in accordance with the laws of social distancing?

-I am sure that the art acting under the rules of social distance will be something temporary, which will have an expiration date.

-Which famous contemporary piece of art would you choose to describe the current situation and why?

-I would choose the artworks of the Japanese artist Takashi Murakami, because his work gives us HOPE!

-History until now has shown that art survives even under the most crucial circumstances and provides us with pieces of big importance. Is it going to happen the same now?

-Absolutely, the same thing will happen now, because history repeats itself.

Who is Who

Cem Aggelos Ustuner

Cem Aggelos Ustuner graduated from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, History of Art. Pinelo Art Gallery was founded in 2012 by Cem Aggelos Ustuner in order to support Contemporary Artists. He is the Art Manager of Artists in many countries. He creates an opportunity for artists by organizing exhibitions, primarily in Greece, European Cities, USA and Japan.


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